Monday, July 19, 2010

Don't forget to stop off in Vermont for some apples. the link below is for an orchard there. Don't fill up on their pies!

Jamaica Sugar cane

Did you remember the salt water? Now what do you need to gather some sugar cane?

Finding cows in England

we need some milk. So off we go to England to find a cow!


Kurundu Trees in Sri Lanka

Here we are in Sri Lanka. Did you know that cinnamon actually comes from the bark of a tree? What else can we find in Sri Lanka?

Chickens from France

French hens are the most elegent! We need to get some eggs from these hens. How will we carry those eggs carefully?

italy for semolina wheat

Here we gather some semolina wheat. What are the capital resources we need to do this?

Start at Highlands

We start our journey right here at school. What resources do we find at Highlands?